The Future of Hunting Depends on YOU!
It takes thousands of volunteer hours each year to make TYHP successful. Volunteer opportunities include:
- Assisting with hunt operations.
- Cooking
- Firearm instruction and supervising ranges
- Conducting outdoor education
- Serving as guides
- Providing medical expertise
Huntmasters are trained volunteers who may fill various roles on a youth hunt. Lead Huntmasters are Huntmasters who are certified by an experienced lead Huntmaster to plan, coordinate, manage and lead youth hunts.
You do not have to be a Huntmaster to volunteer but we do encourage volunteers to attend Huntmaster training.
In addition to assisting with youth hunts, we need help with administration, making phone calls, running booths at outdoor shows, etc. We encourage family participation.
Seeing the smiles on young hunters’ faces makes it all worthwhile. Working together to preserve our wildlife and hunting heritage is what it’s all about!
Become a volunteer with the Texas Youth Hunting Program by registering as a volunteer with our partner, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. Visit and use "TYHP" in the search box to find opportunities. Add your contact info to our directory and our huntmasters will contact you when we have a volunteer opportunity. Volunteer Directory
Attend a Huntmaster Training Event
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with TYHP and in attending a Huntmaster training event. The schedule of upcoming events can be viewed by clicking on the link below. To register for a Huntmaster training event, please click here to sign up via the Texas Wildlife Association events listing. The cost for TWA members to attend the training is $55, if you are not yet a TWA member the cost is $90.