Texas Big Game Awards Entry Form
Texas Big Game Awards is a hunter and landowner recognition program designed to promote big game hunting in Texas through the promotion and encouragement of sound habitat and wildlife management.
The program recognizes:
- The quality of big game animals in Texas
- The hunters who harvest these animals
- The achievements of young and new hunters
- The land managers who produce these animals
- The importance of our hunting heritage
First Big Game Harvest
- Any hunter, regardless of age, who harvests his/her first lifetime big game animal in Texas during the current year’s hunting season is eligible for recognition.
- This is a non-scored category and any white-tailed deer, mule deer, javelina, bighorn sheep or pronghorn antelope is eligible regardless of the animal’s sex or score. The animal must have been wild-raised. Animals that were born or bred in captivity and subsequently released into the wild are not eligible; the animal must not have been trapped and/or released at any time during its life.
- Entry forms are available via the website or through the TPWD, TWA or any certified TBGA scorer.
Youth Division
- Any youth hunter, under 17 years of age when they purchase their hunting license, with a Youth Hunting License (license type 169) is eligible.
- This is a non-scored category and any white-tailed deer, mule deer, javelina, bighorn sheep or pronghorn antelope is eligible regardless of the animal’s sex or score. The animal must have been wild-raised. Animals that were born or bred in captivity and subsequently released into the wild are not eligible; the animal must not have been trapped and/or released at any time during its life.
- Entry forms are available via the website or through the TPWD, TWA or any certified TBGA scorer.
Any ranch in the state of Texas is eligible for program recognition if an animal harvested on that ranch is entered into the Scored Category, First Harvest, or Youth Division. Ranch recognition is optional at the landowner’s discretion.